Archive for May, 2011


“That’s the way we like it. Good times, sunshine and summertime!”

May 30, 2011

About this time every year the lyrics to Faith Hill’s song “Sunshine and Summertime” start running through my head. It’s the perfect description of summer. Although THIS may be the perfect summer day:

Sleep late then head to pool at 1ish to meet Valerie, Stacy, Lauren, Andrea and Joanna. Spend 5 hours soaking up the sun, laughing at how white I am(with NO HOPE of ever having any color) and me moaning about how jealous I am of the beautiful tan Val is already sporting. Discuss books and movies(Val was there. Duh.) Mention how good a margarita sounds and agree that one must be on the agenda for that night. Dry off and meet at On The Border. Strawberry swirl margaritas, beer-ritas, nachos, tacos, chips and salsa. Oh, so good! The rest of the group goes to see a movie and we’ll end the night with a game of Chicken Foot.

Sleeping in, pool time, sunshine, good food, good drinks and lots of laughter. Is there a better way to spend a beautiful summer day? Yea, I didn’t think so. 🙂

I only wish this was my pool...


Babies are such a nice way to start people…

May 5, 2011

Finals start next week. After graduating 5 years ago, I never thought I’d have to say that again. But I am saying it, for the second time this year. It’s a very strange feeling to sit in a class with kids 7 or 8 years younger than me. Although, according to a girl in one class, I “totally only look 23″(said with a vally girl voice). Right. If you say so. These kids are so young and it’s crazy to know that almost 10 years ago, I was them. I as fresh out of highschool, completely sure that in 10 years I was going to be an elementary school teacher, be married, have a houseful of kids and be completely settled. Reality? I am none of those things. I have a PR/Marketing degree, no husband, I’m not settled and I don’t have any kids. But that changes soon. In a month, I’ll have a baby.  

Yep, that’s right. A baby. But it’s not the way you’d think. In a month my roommate and I are embarqing on a new adventure. Adventure? Actually, I’m not sure that’s the right word for it but I don’t know if there’s a better one. You see, we’re going to be foster parents. Two single girls, roommates, are signing up to be parents.  What’s that? You’re questioning our sanity? That’s okay, we are too. But we’re doing it. We have a cabinet full of bottles, a dresser of little clothes and crib just waiting to be used. Yep, we’re crazy. We’re as ready as we can be. But are people ever really ready to have a baby in the house? I’ve asked multiple moms this exact question over the last few months and the resounding answer is NO. Good to know.

Holy cow! It’s a little terrifying. No, a lot. But here we go. Feet first.

And if you try to talk to us or have us hang out sometime in the next 3 months, please forgive the blank, tired, glazed looks we may give you. We’re not getting much sleep.