
Babies are such a nice way to start people…

May 5, 2011

Finals start next week. After graduating 5 years ago, I never thought I’d have to say that again. But I am saying it, for the second time this year. It’s a very strange feeling to sit in a class with kids 7 or 8 years younger than me. Although, according to a girl in one class, I “totally only look 23″(said with a vally girl voice). Right. If you say so. These kids are so young and it’s crazy to know that almost 10 years ago, I was them. I as fresh out of highschool, completely sure that in 10 years I was going to be an elementary school teacher, be married, have a houseful of kids and be completely settled. Reality? I am none of those things. I have a PR/Marketing degree, no husband, I’m not settled and I don’t have any kids. But that changes soon. In a month, I’ll have a baby.  

Yep, that’s right. A baby. But it’s not the way you’d think. In a month my roommate and I are embarqing on a new adventure. Adventure? Actually, I’m not sure that’s the right word for it but I don’t know if there’s a better one. You see, we’re going to be foster parents. Two single girls, roommates, are signing up to be parents.  What’s that? You’re questioning our sanity? That’s okay, we are too. But we’re doing it. We have a cabinet full of bottles, a dresser of little clothes and crib just waiting to be used. Yep, we’re crazy. We’re as ready as we can be. But are people ever really ready to have a baby in the house? I’ve asked multiple moms this exact question over the last few months and the resounding answer is NO. Good to know.

Holy cow! It’s a little terrifying. No, a lot. But here we go. Feet first.

And if you try to talk to us or have us hang out sometime in the next 3 months, please forgive the blank, tired, glazed looks we may give you. We’re not getting much sleep.


Do or Don’t?

March 11, 2011

I love the girls that I work with!  I love living life side by side with them. There’s no other way to say it.

In the last three years we have laughed, cried, been frustrated and partied together. We’ve had people come, go and have babies.  At any given moment, we’re either laughing, loudly, or we’re decorating for another party.  We send emails full of clip-art. We gchat the person sitting right next to us and those conversations cause random giggles to erupt for, what looks like, no reason at all. We celebrate EVERY birthday with a different theme. And don’t even get me started on Halloween.  We do nothing half-way.

We act as a semi-jury for each other. No big decision is made without first consulting “The Girls.” Should she date that guy? It’s expensive, is it worth it? What do I do if…? How in the world did that happen?!? Do or don’t?

Each of us is so different and yet we’re all alike. We’re single, newly weds and moms. We’re from near and far.

Debbie is our “mom”. She takes care of us in every way, including trying to set us singles girls up with great guys. Jenny is the one that keeps us lively. Without her, we would be rather dull. Christy is our brain. Literally. She can remember an extraordinary amount of information, it’s crazy. Tamara keeps us laughing. When she laughs, she laughs whole-heartedly and there’s no way to not laugh with her. Jessica is our teacher. She is the best person to ask if you have a question. She can explain anything without confusing you. Marguerite is our creativity. Seriously. Ask her to make it and she will but so much better that you expected it to be. Allison is our newest member and is proving to be a spit-fire in disguise. You only think she’s quite and sweet. Nope. She’s hysterical. Pat is our fearless leader. She handles everything that we can’t and so much more.

I’ve always said that I didn’t know how I would like having more that one sister. It took me a long time to realize that God gave me 8 more.

I love these girls!


In Shoes of Green

March 2, 2011

The sun is shining and birds are chirping. My dog is a little frisky, prancing around in the sun like she owns the place. Leaves on the trees are starting to turn green and my neighbor’s flowers are begining to show their colors. It reminds me of a song I sang for a vocal recital in high school.

“This morning in the merry, merry woods the trees with laughter shook.

They’d seen Old Winter hobble past leaning on his crook.

The crocus called goodbye to him and the violet from her nook.

For spring is here in shoes of green, everywhere I look!”


And she has 14 daughters…

February 28, 2011

She is young, very young. She lives half-way around the globe from family and friends. She is a sister, friend, teacher, doctor, semi-surgeon, minister and provider. She faces danger, opposition, sickness and death.

And she has 14 daughters.

She trusted enough to leave what was familiar. She left family, friends and a great love. She trusted. She went.

And now, she has 14 daughters

I pray for the courage to trust that much. I pray for the heart to give up what is dearest to me. I pray for the courage to leave everything I know and follow. I pray that I’m usable, teachable and changeable.

And Lord, I pray for 14 daughters.


October 14, 2008

Life is funny, you know. Things can change in a instant. In the blink of an eye, the world is turned upside down. You think twice before hanging up the phone, or pulling out of the driveway. Before saying good bye and not saying “I love you”. You call the people you love most just to hear them talk or you hold them close just a little bit longer than normal. It doesn’t take much to rock the world you live in. Our lives are fleeting, but not meaningless. Each of us was placed here to be used in ministry. To love people, to have relationships. But do the people we love most know it? Do we tell them or expect them to just know? Just so you know, I love you.


and this is how it starts…

September 24, 2008

We were talking last night about our new dishwasher and the subject of blogs came up. I don’t how we got from one to the other but we did, hence the name of my blog. Welcome to my life.


Every Once in While, I Forget…

September 24, 2008

…that I’m crazy

that I love deeply

I’m fiercely protective

I’m lonely

I’m surrounded by family

Zoey is my favorite

I want

I’m content

I’m wondering

I trust too easily

I don’t do change

I’m loved

I’m way too organized

I care too much

I let it hurt too much

I never think it through

I think too much

People matter to me

Some people don’t


Every once in awhile, I forget I’m me.